My Work Today as a Dancing Chef

It was back in 2021 when I was contacted by someone from San Francisco for a grand virtual Diwali party. Thousands of people were invited. It wasn't a time when I was dancing that much at our events. We made saffron dessert, turmeric latte, and spiced potatoes, all of which were really loved by the attendees. That's when one of the guests wrote in the comments, 'She is a dancing chef,' and the title got stuck with me. I retained it because I love creating food, simplifying it for people, and dancing all the time.

I have fun at work, and people love me for it. I believe in running after the things that make you happy and content. When you do, you become attractive instead of looking desperate. These are the times when I am totally content with what I do.


1. Recipe Development

Recipe development is a constant focus for me. I always make sure I am developing more and more recipes suitable for every occasion. We also create customized recipes for our clients and have a customized menu. We put a lot of effort into updating our menu so that even if you have done an event with us, you'll want to do ten more events with us. Dancing and fun will always remain the same.

2. Event Preparation

There is a lot of preparation that goes behind everything that happens at Kitty Party. Many things happen before I step into the event. Blogging helps us get noticed by your teams who are looking for our services. We are present on various platforms to make it easy for you to search and feel connected to us. We share behind the scenes stories from our events to connect with you through our blogs.

Event preparation can be intense. We had to do nine events for HPE in a single day, starting from 3 am to 11:30pm the next night. It involved a lot of work and technical setup. Our kitchen goes into preparation mode one to two days. earlier. We make sure we have everything ready and have substitutes and extras in case anything goes wrong. We also maintain our herb garden, which everyone loves. It's totally justified when your turmeric, mustard, and chilies grow, and you can enjoy them as well. We also do a lot of decoration of the kitchen according to the theme.

When the event happens, there is always a moment of newness and nervousness. But whenever I see the clients smiling and excited, I feel at peace. I love it when everyone starts their cameras, and it makes me happy. It's so interactive and busy. People tell me stories, and I tell them stories about my family and my passion for food. We dance during breaks, and people ask questions. It's a very busy hour that passes by quickly, and they love the food.

3. Reviews and Working on Feedback

There are many times when we question ourselves. My parents aren't very proud of me doing this work, but sometimes I question my own choices because of that. However, when people give me feedback and value my services, I feel reassured that no matter what anyone says, entertaining and teaching are my things. I find reaffirmation when people tell me that.

Reviews and working on them can be stressful. There's a lot of pressure, and every attendee reviews my work every single time. It can get stressful, one time I was doing an event with menstruation pain, headaches, and ear pain. But I can't be sad because I have to smile. This is the love for the work I do. I don't have to force myself to be happy because it never looks so hard when I love what I do. It's not always easy, and everything falls into place. 99.99% of the time, people love what we do. I'm always open-minded and like to keep improving with all new things and on all the feedback I receive.

At Kitty Party, we promise memorable moments full of joy with your team and valuable learnings that you will savour for a lifetime. Book your remote team building event or Christmas Party with us now!

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