The Naïve Story behind Kitty Party

I get this question frequently - "Why Kitty Party?"

Well, let us then take a trip down memory lane!

I was in the 7th grade, and one of my friends asked me to fill in her Slam Book, a popular trend back then! In this book of self-reflection, we were encouraged to divulge our innermost thoughts, goals, and desires. As I leafed through the pages, my eyes fell upon a question that seemed to hold the key to my future: "What would you want to do in life?" Until that very moment, I hadn't given much thought to it. But as the question hung in the air, an idea sparked within me, igniting a flame of ambition that would shape my path forever.

In a burst of inspiration, I penned my response without hesitation: "I want to open a restaurant named Kitty Party."

But you must be wondering why did I choose the name Kitty Party? I should say it was for an innocent or childish reason! You see, Kitty had long been my cherished nickname, bestowed upon me by my loving family. It seemed only fitting to incorporate ”Kitty” into my future endeavor.

Kitty Party Event Flyers

In the year 2019, I took a significant step forward and officially registered the business known as Kitty Party. Since then, we have been dedicated to providing unforgettable team experiences that go beyond the kitchen.

Kitty Party is where teams come together to party with “Kitty”. Although some of my friends initially had reservations about the name, it has actually become memorable and endearing to our clients. Kitty Party has struck a chord with people, and that's what matters most. In fact, many of our valued clients refer to me as Kitty, and they couldn't be more accurate!

At Kitty Party, we deeply understand the significance of team celebrations and strongly believe in the power of uniting people through food, drinks, games, and dancing. I firmly believe that our brand name perfectly aligns with the lighthearted and inclusive nature of our events.

Ain’t a party like Kitty Party!