Tips to Maintain your Herb Garden

In 2020, I discovered a new hobby of growing my own herbs. It has fostered a connection with nature that I never could have anticipated, and awakened me to the beauty that surrounds us in the world. As my herb garden is often a key focus of my virtual cooking events, I'm frequently asked about how to maintain a flourishing herb garden. A lot of people in our events get excited on seeing the blooming chili flowers and assortment of fresh herbs and have requested me to share tips on how to grow their own herb gardens. I'm thrilled to share some of my top tips here, so that others can discover the same joy that gardening has brought to my life.

Bird-Shaped Watering Devices


I recommend investing in these bird-shaped watering devices. These adorable devices allow you to water your plants by pouring water into their "mouths", which then filters into the soil. This ensures that your plants always have access to sufficient water, without the need for constant monitoring.

A Vertical Garden System

Another important factor of gardening is having enough space for your plants to grow. I recommend getting a plant stand that allows you to stack multiple plants on top of each other, which is great for small spaces. A vertical garden system is also highly efficient for maximizing space while providing plenty of room for your herbs to flourish.


It’s Simple, It’s Easy and It Starts from your Kitchen

All the necessary ingredients to start your own herb garden can be found right in your kitchen. Personally, I enjoy growing all the spices and herbs that I use in my cooking. Chili flakes, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, lemon seeds, garlic roots, and ginger roots can all be used to start your garden. All you need to do is place them in a pot by a sunny window and remember to water them regularly.

Don't Give Up

Of course, not every plant will survive, but it's important to keep trying and not give up. Gardening has taught me patience and perseverance, and I believe that these are valuable lessons that can be applied to many areas of life.

Keep your Plants Closer to the Window

It's important to keep your herb garden close to a window to ensure that your plants get enough sunlight to thrive. Even though there may be a shortage of sunlight in certain areas like Berlin, positioning your plants by a window can make all the difference in helping them receive the necessary amount of light. You can keep your plants outdoors if the weather isn't harsh.

Experiment a Lot

I enjoy experimenting with different combinations when growing my own herbs, and I encourage others to do the same. Don't be afraid to be a little curious and try new things. For example, when my mum told me that I couldn't grow Kashmiri Chili here in Berlin, I decided to give it a try anyway, and I was able to successfully grow a lot of Kashmiri chilies in my kitchen.

Maintaining a herb garden can be a fun and rewarding experience. By investing in the right tools, having enough space, and being patient, anyone can create a beautiful garden that provides fresh herbs for cooking and a sense of connection to nature.