Spice It Up Events at a popular vegan cafe in Berlin

We have forged a wonderful collaboration with a popular cafe in Berlin to conduct our special and unique events. is a unique and versatile establishment that caters to the needs of vegan enthusiasts and bibliophiles alike. By day, it operates as a cozy vegan cafe that offers delicious breakfast options and a captivating curation of books. However, in the evenings, it transforms into an event space that hosts a variety of events, ranging from cooking classes to a book club.

While our focus primarily lies in hosting teams, this partnership with the popular venue is exceptional as it centers around our shared passion for promoting good health and wholesome, plant-based food choices. We take immense pleasure in organizing events together. If you find yourself intrigued or daunted by the world of spices, our event is tailor-made for you. Join us as we embark on a flavorful journey, exploring the depths of various spices and delving into their healing properties, cultural significance, and captivating stories. This immersive experience will expand your knowledge, tantalize your taste buds, and leave you with a newfound appreciation for the rich tapestry of spices and their myriad wonders.

In the year 2019, we introduced our spice events in the beautiful city of Berlin. It was a new and novel concept, unheard of before. With an emphasis on the wonders of spices, our events featured an added element of fun, dancing, which made it a delightful and exhilarating experience. It was truly thrilling for us to provide an exclusive and extraordinary workshop, setting us apart from the rest. With each passing day, our spice events are growing larger, and we’re witnessing more and more curious souls showing a keen interest in our innovative approach.

Personally, I am deeply enamored with spices and consider myself an encyclopedia on the subject due to my constant reading and continuous experiments with these flavorful ingredients. The world's history moves around spices. Spices have even been the focal point of multiple wars! As an Indian, I have an extreme love and respect for spices because Indian food would be incomplete without them. They have a lot of flavor and bring a lot of color to the food. Recently, we also compiled a recipe book, titled ‘Easy Recipes for Busy People,’ for a delightful collection of spice-infused culinary creations.

Multiple times a year, we organize our events at this popular venue in Berlin. Their spices play a significant role in enhancing the flavor of the food, making our events even more enjoyable. Moreover, the cafe's commitment to promoting knowledge around food aligns perfectly with our event objectives, making it the ideal venue for our gatherings.

Our spice team building workshops are platforms where we answer your questions and do a lot of spice tastings with unusual spice combinations. It's surprising to see how much curiosity and respect there is for spices. As I always say at the start of each event, India is crazy about spices and dancing. It's a perfect combination! So, along with our informative discussions about spices, I encourage everyone to let loose and join in on the dancing. It's a great way to connect with the culture and the flavors that we are discussing.

During an event, I vividly remember someone asking me if I feel proud when talking about my culture. My heart swelled with joy as I gave an unequivocal response: "definitely." The pride I feel for my origin and the story that has shaped me is indescribable. It's a part of who I am, and without it, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Nistha Trehun