3 Tips For A Good Digestion

I got a call from a friend of mine and he proudly told me, “Hey! I just finished my dinner and now I’m having some healthy orange juice.”

I agreed with my friend that orange juice is very healthy and packed with nutrients. But and it’s a big “But”.


Drinking After Eating:

Drinking orange juice immediately after a meal will do more bad than good. A large amount of any liquid consumed just after a meal disturbs the digestion. It’s much better to wait for at least 30–45 minutes before consuming any fluid unless it is a sip or two.

Work out After Eating:

Similarly, any exercise just after a meal falls in the same category. Post-meal most of the blood flow should be in the stomach helping the digestion.

But during a workout, most of the blood rushes towards the body parts that are in motion. As a result, digestion is interrupted. We must wait for at least 2 hours before any exercise or similar activity after eating.

Eating Just Before Bed:

Similarly, we can consume the healthiest food available to mankind but if it’s done just before bed, it will never prove healthy. Having a meal just before bed will cause us to sleep with undigested food in our stomach. While we are asleep, the food will ferment leading to bloating. We need to stay awake for at least 2 to 3 hours to let the food be digested.

Most people think that eating healthy food is important for health but eating at any time and in a random manner can drastically reduce the benefits of our healthy food.

Good digestion is the first step to a healthy body.

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