Steps towards minimalism
In my last article, I wrote about minimalism and how it has changed my life for the better. In this article, I will share some practical steps that I took to become a minimalist.
My living room last Diwali and my minimalist living room this Diwali
So, here we go:
1. Note that you won’t be compromising anything. Just decluttering your life.
2. Make 2 separate lists. Things you need instantly.Things you may need in the future. I use the application ‘Wunderlist’ to make all my lists.
3. Make sure you do some online research. So, you are fully aware what you really need to buy.List the criteria that need to be met when buying something — colour, build, material, utilities or anything else.
4. Try to buy products which can have multiple functions.They are worth the investment. Like my vacuum cleaner vacuums, mops and dries.I have no other thing for cleaning.
5.Always prefer quality over quantity. One quality pair of shoes is far better than 5 not so good, not so comfortable shoes.
6. Try to find items with neutral colours that can easily be paired with the current set up of your home or your current wardrobe. Capsule closet is a new idea I’m working on.
7.Try to buy consumable things in small quantities. That way you won’t end up hoarding and you can still try new things more regularly.
8.Let your close friends know what type of presents you generally like and make an effort to know their preferences. So, neither you nor they end up with things that won’t be savoured as much.
I like a beautiful letter, organic dark vegan chocolate, organic and all natural cosmetics( rose and lavender are my most favourite fragrances), silk items, minimal jewellery, any indulgence or experience as presents in the same sequence of preference. In case you are thinking of a present for me, now you know.
9.If you get a gift that you don’t like don’t accumulate, give it to someone who would appreciate it more.I am still working on this one as we by creation tend to amalgamate people with the things that they present us.
10. Keep your home organised so you can acknowledge the free space you have.Organising my home is the first thing I do as I start my day.
11.Rather than investing in whole new pieces, Investing in small accessories can enhance your or your apartment’s appearance. I elevate the look of my old outfit just by adding a beautiful silk scarf.
12.If you get an urge for impulse buying, just take a picture of the product.Most of the times you will even forget to check the picture of the thing that you were so inclined to buy earlier. When I travel I don’t buy souvenirs anymore, but just take their pictures. I have all the memories and no clutter.
13. Don’t buy anything just because someone else has it. You are a different person. Many times, I bought some dresses just for they were on trend but never wore them the second time.
13. It is difficult in the beginning but give it some time.It was really hard for me to not buy new spring trends. But in summers I had fun making interesting and totally new combinations with my existing clothes and accessories.
14. Keep your minimalism alive. Read, write, watch and talk often about it. Perhaps you can help someone trapped in materialism to step towards minimalism.
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